Eco-Friendly Beauty: Navigating Sustainable Skincare & Makeup

Eco-Friendly Beauty: Navigating Sustainable Skincare & Makeup

The beauty industry is the most heavily criticized field in today's day and age. Known for its negative environmental impact due to the plastic packaging components and lack of multiple use products. As consumers become more socially aware than ever before, information starts to become apparent. The U.S. Environmental Production Agency has revealed that 33% of landfill waste can be traced back to the beauty industry and its products. As a result, these plastics are unable to break down due to the artificial, hard plastic exterior. Therefore, polluting soil and the water. Creating a toxic environment for all living beings on earth, including our food.

 Aside from the negative environmental toll, these beauty products are filled with harmful ingredients that destroy your health, inside and out. Because of these aspects, it is crucial more than ever to take immediate action on how to effectively change your beauty routines and avoid the greenwashing tactic companies are notorious for. 

Being strongly aware of the ingredients that compose your beauty products is a great way to start navigating this journey. Skincare and makeup ingredients, as mentioned, have a major impact on your health and the environment. Seek out products that contain ingredients that can be easily researched and are understandable. Rosehip oil, shea butter, plant-based retinol, and jojoba are common ingredients found in earth conscious skincare. Steer clear of the ingredient labeled ‘fragrance’. This is a common cover that brands use to conceal toxins. This label could be anything from phthalates and parabens to various endocrine disruptors. When shopping for beauty products, look at the product label. What you want to see are scents derived from organic sources. This may include 100% natural essential oils from flowers, plants, and trees. Fragrance-free is also an amazing pick for those who want to bypass the fragrance confusion all together. Verte Modes top brands including Seed Phytonutrients, Activist Skincare, Lumi Basics, and Green Bee must have brands when it comes to organically sourced products!

Green Bee- Vegan and Cruelty-Free Fresh Face Antioxidant CBD Toner

Lumi Basics- Lavender Sugar Scrub

Seed Phytonutrients- Grapefruit & Sunflower Seed Oil Volume Shampoo & Conditioner Set

Activist Skincare- 'Calming Force' Clear Skin Serum

By avoiding plastic packaging and wasteful components can significantly change your path to an eco-friendlier beauty routine. The biggest challenge that is faced in the skincare and makeup world is packaging waste. It has been proven that the beauty industry is responsible for billions of plastic packaging each year. It is also known knowledge that famous mainstream brands packaging is not eco-friendly and will end up in our landfill, never able to break down. Exploring sustainable packaging alternatives and turning away from plastic product components will result in a sustainable future for you and the world surrounding. Biodegradable packaging has been on the rise in the last few years by various brands. Plant based options such as bamboo packaging, is a great alternative. Aside from plastic, look for glass bottles when shopping for all your skincare needs. Brands carried by Verte Mode include Live Like You Green It and Izzy Beauty. 

Izzy Beauty- Zero Waste Highlighter Afterglow

Live Like You Green It- Calm Cleanse - Gentle Micellar Water, Makeup Remover, And Hydrating Toner-Rose Water & Hyaluronic Acid

Shop brands that dedicate their image to completely fit the sustainable lifestyle. Sustainable brands have prioritized the environmental and social responsibility through the entire productivity of their brand. Unfortunately, the laws that are in place are not in favor of sustainability when it comes to the consumer. Companies have taken measures into their own hands to protect the health of not only their customers, but the well-being of the planet. Eco-friendly brands go above and beyond to completely ensure their products follow strict guidelines to be environmental, socially, and ethically sustainable. By shopping earth conscious brands, you are aiding movement. Brands all across different variations of beauty products are now seeing how consumers are wanting sustainable products. Because of this fact, the creation of clean, more organically sourced products is being brought on by brands. Vertes Mode Beauty Best Sellers include Nicely Natural, Naturally London, B-Organic, and Mom Bomb. When you support brands, whose mission is to create an earth conscious option for their consumers, you are doing your part in being eco-friendly, zero-waste, and sustainable!

Nicely Natural- Deodorant Lemon Tangerine Cardamom

Nicely Natural- Deodorant Unscented

Plumeria Soap- B-Organic

Following a lifestyle that is sustainable may seem like the trip, by sticking to these simple yet effective guidelines, you and the people you love can live eco-friendly!

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